Pemiscot Dunklin Members
As your local electric cooperative, Pemiscot-Dunklin Electric serves you as a not-for-profit, member-owned utility. We strive every day to provide high-quality, reliable, and safe service you have come to expect since 1937. Several factors affect electric rates, including the cost of power, provided by our power supplier, M&A Electric Power Cooperative, as well as the cost of maintaining our reliability and service to our customers - from bucket trucks to diggers to transformers, replacement line and poles. We remain committed to working with our member-owners to minimize the cost of electricity. Contact us to learn how to save more energy throughout your home, follow us on Facebook where we share energy saving tips, and browse the informational content at
PDEC Electric Rates
1-Single Phase Residential | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $40.00 |
Per kWh | $0.1145 |
1-Single Phase Residential (Prepaid) | Amount |
Daily Availability Charge | $1.32 |
Per kWh | $0.1145 |
10-Single Phase Non-Residential | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $44.00 |
Per kWh | $0.1145 |
2-Large Power | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $80.75 |
Min Charge per KVA | $1.25 |
First 100 kWh per Kw | $0.1535 |
Excess kWh | $0.0928 |
3-Three Phase 50 kVA and Under | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $56.00 |
per kWh | $0.1196 |
4-Three Phase 51 kVA to 100 kVA | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $76.00 |
per kWh | $0.1196 |
5-Irrigation Single Phase | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $48.00 |
per kWh | $0.1245 |
6-Irrigation Three Phase 50kVA and Under | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $65.00 |
per kWh | $0.1245 |
7-Irrigation Three Phase 51kVA to 100kVA | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $85.00 |
per kWh | $0.1245 |
12-Cotton Gin | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $150.00 |
First 200kWh per kW | $0.2004 |
Excess kWh | $0.1055 |
14-Industrial | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $95.00 |
Demand per kW | $16.09 |
per kWh | $0.0600 |
80-Irrigation Three Phase 112.5 kVA to 150 kVA | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $165.00 |
per kWh | $0.1245 |
81-Irrigation Three Phase Over 150 kVA | Amount |
Monthly Availability Charge | $186.50 |
per kWh | $0.1245 |
Outdoor Lighting | Amount |
100W HPS, 175 MVL, 73W LED | $12.00 |
250W HPS | $20.00 |
400W HPS | $20.00 |
400W MH, 150W LED, 180W LED | $20.00 |
Consumer Fees | Amount |
Connect Fee (Standard) | $40.00 |
Connect Fee (Prepaid) | $40.00 |
Reconnect Fee (Standard) | $40.00 |
Reconnect Fee (Prepaid) | $10.00 |
Yard Light Connect | $40.00 |
Deposit (Favorable Credit Rating) | $0 |
Deposit (Unfavorable Credit Rating) | $200 minimum |